Friday, August 28, 2015

Camp Loopy 2015 - Project 3 is Finished!

This wasn't easy, and it wasn't always fun but it is done and I like it.   As I mentioned in the previous posts, I had to make the bag by piecing the front and back panels and the pockets.  I am sort of disappointed because in the final construction, the front and back panels are mostly covered up by the pockets.  If I had read the instructions ahead of time, I would have known that and I might have pieced things differently.  I could have saved a lot of time on the front and back panels by just using large pieces of fabric.  That also would have helped to avoid bulk and it would have been a lot easier to sew everything together.  But alas, it is done, and it's a cute bag.  One thing I don't like about the bag is that there are raw edges on the inside of it, which means that any items that get put into the bag will get threads on them.  Usually, bags are made with a lining to avoid this issue. I fixed the problem myself.  I made some strips of fabric with finished sides and fused them over the raw seams with some stitch witchery that I had laying around.  I think that will help, and I'm now calling this bag done for sure. 

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