Wednesday, March 12, 2008

No knitting for a while

On Saturday, Feb 23rd, I slipped on some ice and jammed my wrist. I must have known deep down that I did some serious damage because I said to my daughter “it feels like I broke my wrist.” However, I could move my wrist and my fingers (although it was extremely painful to do so), so we assumed it was just a bad sprain and went on with our day. When we got home, I iced it and continued to ice it for the rest of the weekend.

On Monday, it was still pretty swollen, so I decided to let my doctor check it. He didn’t seem to think it was broken, but he sent me for xrays. Sure enough, the xray showed a fracture of the large bone - it's called a distal radius fracture. I saw an orthopedist on Tuesday, and he re-set the bone (OUCH!!) and put on a cast. Daily routine can be difficult with a cast, but I have figured out how to get dressed. I have to wrap my arm in a plastic garbage bag to keep the cast dry when I shower. I think the biggest annoyance is that I can’t drive. Our kids aren’t involved in that many activities, but there are enough things going on that it’s difficult for Rob to have to do it all. Thankfully, he hasn’t had to go on any business trips. I will get the big cast off on March 18th and after that things should be a little easier because I’ll be able to move my elbow. The doctor said it will be painful, though.

The biggest deal, for me personally, is that I can’t knit. I have become a really avid knitter and not being able to do it is a really upsetting. I had so many lace projects lined up, but now I have to re-think my plans. I had just started Secret of the Stole II. I was using colourmart cashmere, but since I didn't get very far, I've decided to rip it out and save the yarn for something else. I also have the yarn for dem-fischer-sin-fru but I never started it, so I'll save that yarn also. I had planned on knitting mystic light using my Hand Maiden sea silk, but the KAL is starting soon. I think I'll check out everyone's photos before I decide if I should knit it. I am about 60% done with the spring shawl surprise, and I plan to finish it once I can knit again.

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